At the moment we offer 2 membership levels
The Free Membership entitles you to have access to the blog, downloads, a few free video lessons as well as the Short Course: How to talk to your child’s school. You will also be subscribed to The Bully Vaccine Project mailing list. The Free Membership does not expire.
Toolkit Membership
Becoming a premium member of The Bully Vaccine Project provides you with access to all the Free Membership materials plus access to an additional 2 1/2 hours of video, lessons, workbooks, worksheets and worksheets you can use to help your child develop a strategy to stop their bullies once and for all. Cost for this membership is $10. However, my goal is to help parents and their children learn how to effectively cope with bullying. I charge a membership fee only to help pay for the upkeep of this website to make this material available. I do not and will not turn anyone away who cannot afford to pay.
On the Toolkit Membership check out page – choose either a standard, free or pay it forward option.
All memberships come with a 30 day money back guarantee! If you decide that the information on this website is not for you, email me jen at jen-hancock dot com and request a refund.
What people are saying:
The toolkit was very helpful for our young children. Short lessons each week allowed us to share it with our third grader and implement it within the school to manage chronic bullying. Knowing what to say and how to say it makes a difference. The bully tip videos were requested as part of the bedtime story routine and each morning before going into school the kids would put on their force field of compassion. I recommend you use this product to benefit not only your child but all the children in the school. The program works and as we taught it to our older child our younger child learned it and used it too. – Amy (parent)
Money Back Guarantee
All paid memberships come with a 30 day money back guarantee. If for any reason you are unsatisfied, please email me at jen at jen-hancock dot com within 30 days to request a refund.