Stop bullying before violence becomes necessary
Do not bully the bully. It doesn’t work. Not only that, if we allow bullying to escalate to the point that a victim thinks their only option is to fight back, we’ve failed!
Do not bully the bully. It doesn’t work. Not only that, if we allow bullying to escalate to the point that a victim thinks their only option is to fight back, we’ve failed!
Bullying isn’t a one off event. It’s a pattern of harassment that involves multiple incidents over a period of time. You can’t report it once and be done with it. You must have a strategy for what you are going to do IF reporting it doesn’t work.
Don’t bully the bully. That makes you just as bad as them. Don’t stoop to the level of a bully. Adding more misery to the world is not the solution. …
Don’t bully the bully. It doesn’t work. Try compassion instead. It is tempting to bully the bully. That will only make the situation worse. There is a better way but …