Get yourself a friend group
Advice from my son about how to deal with bullying – get yourself a friend group.
Advice from my son about how to deal with bullying – get yourself a friend group.
Don’t assume you know who someone is. Don’t assume you know why they are acting the way they are. Give people a chance. Let them surprise you with their kindness.
Very few bullies think of themselves as bullies. No matter how horrible someone seems to you, you should not think of them as horrible people. Most likely, they aren’t. And if you let them, they may just surprise you.
Confidence is not something anyone gets magically. This is not a some people have it and some don’t sort of skill. You just have to practice it. And you do that by liking yourself enough that other people’s negativity just doesn’t bother you. And they way you get to the point you like yourself enough to not be bothered by negative people, is by doing the things that bring you joy.