Happy Boy who is free of bullying

Let Your Geek Flag Fly

What you need to know about bullies is that it doesn’t matter what you do, they will still attack you. So you might as well let your geek flag fly.

When no one knows how to help you stop a bully, it's easy to become frustrated.

Harassment and bullying – what’s in a name

The problem is these terms is that they describe the impact of the behavior, but not the actual behavior. Bullying manifests as specific behavior and actions and to get it to stop, you have to focus on what exactly is happening.

Bullying Tip #33: How can you heal after being bullied?

The appalling impact of bullying

Bullying takes a physical and mental impact on the victim. Understanding just how damaging it is can help us take it more seriously and stop rationalizing why we aren’t doing …