A couple of years ago I was a guest at the Shri Ram Schools in New Delhi India. I presented to about 400 teachers how to help kids stop bullying in the classroom using behavioral science and compassion.
I have made the video available over at youtube and plan to make a certified program for continuing education credits. If you and your school are interested in learning this – feel free to play the video. If you want me to do a Q&A with teachers and staff – let me know.
One school district purchased copies of my book at discount and give them to parents who report their kids are being bullied. This helps the parent understand what needs to be happening in the classroom so they can support their child at home more effectively and – ideally – everyone will end up working together to help the child who is struggling, learn how to behave better.
Here is the video:
If you want to learn more – get my book and/or take one of the free online courses – https://bullyvaccineproject.com/courses/
You can also bulk purchase the book at a discount: https://bullyvaccineproject.com/about/bulk-purchase-the-bully-vaccine-book/