Strategies for dealing with workplace bullies
Common myths about how to stop a bullying vs. what actually works to stop a bully.
Common myths about how to stop a bullying vs. what actually works to stop a bully.
Until we start addressing the very real rewards gained by bullies, we are going to continue to fail to address is effectively. Plus – writing off a bully as being a product of bad parenting or lower income parents is really just a way to shift blame, throw our hands up in the air and say – there isn’t anything we can do about it.
How many times have you been told, that when you are bullied, it’s not about you. Your first thought is – of course it’s about me – it’s happening to me!!!! Well, yeah – but it’s still not about you.
All reputable anti-bullying programs are based on the operant conditioning protocol. It’s what is already being taught. I am not teaching anything radical or new. This is why psychologists and …