Back to School doesn’t have to mean back to bullying

How to help your child cope and overcome bullying as they head back to school.

 how to stop school bullyingSchool is starting back up and it’s time to start thinking once again about what to do about school bullying.  Today I want to discuss the role of the school psychologist or school counselor and how they can help you overcome difficult situations. (Also, be sure to check out – How to talk to your child’s school about bullying)

Most schools have counselors and psychologists on staff to help staff and students create a safe and supportive learning environment.  Here is a link to the National Association of School Psychologists website with it’s resources on bullying:

If you are dealing with a school bullying situation engage the help of the psychological staff. They are training in helping people with emotional disturbances and they also know what laws can be invoked and what resources are available to you if you need them.

Most times the first person we seek help from is the teacher and when that doesn’t work, the principal. If you are dealing with a difficult bullying situation, make sure to contact the counseling staff and set up and appointment. The parent and the child should both be in contact with them. The school psychologist can’t help and intervene if they don’t know what is going on and they are also in a good position to intervene and help the bully as well, which is critical if the bullying is going to be stopped.

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